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Most Common Athletic Injuries

Most athletes that participate in athletic activities will experience injuries from time to time.  We are going to discuss the most common types of athletic injuries, the areas the injuries affect, symptoms of these injuries, and the treatment and prevention of the most frequent injuries experienced by athletes.

Most Common Types of Athletic Injuries

Here is a list of the most common types of athletic injuries athletes may experience and the area of the body that will be affected. Notice that most of the injuries athletes will experience will be to the extremities of the body.

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Wrist
  • Tennis Elbow - Outside of the Elbow
  • Rotator Cuff Tendinitis - Shoulder
  • Chondromalacia Patella - Knee
  • Illiotibial Band Friction (ITBF) Syndrome - Knee
  • Shin Splints - Front of lower leg, along tibia bone
  • Plantar Fasciitis - Heel, bottom of foot
  • Achilles Tendinitis - Heel and calves

Most Common Types of Athletic Injuries - Symptoms

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - The athlete experiences pain, numbness or weakness in hand and wrist and there is a loss of grip strength with this type of injury.

Tennis Elbow - The athlete experiences the injury as painful to touch or bump.  There is usually pain associated when the athlete shakes hands or attempts to pick up an object with this type of injury.

Rotator Cuff Tendinitis - The athlete experiences pain when lifting their arms above their head with this type of injury.

Chondromalacia Patella - The athlete experiences pain when bending the knees, doing full squats or sitting for long periods with their knees bent with this type of injury.

Illiotibial Band Friction (ITBF) Syndrome - The athlete will experience pain along the outside of the knee or lower thigh with this type of injury.

Shin Splints - The athlete may experience pain along the bones of the lower part of the leg with this type of injury.

Plantar Fasciitis -Athlete may experience heel pain during the first few steps each morning and following periods of inactivity with this type of injury.

Achilles Tendinitis - The athlete may experience pain in the heels and tight calf muscles with this type of injury.


Most Common Types of Athletic Injuries - Treatment and Prevention

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - The athlete should use rest, ice, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs), and possibly surgery if the injury lasts for more than 4-6 month.

Tennis Elbow -The athlete should use rest, ice and NSAIDs.  The athlete may also choose to wear a strap around the upper forearm to assist in the healing process of the injury.  Exercises should also be used to strenghten the injured area.

Rotator Cuff Tendinitis -The athlete should use rest, ice and NSAIDs as well as strength exercises and flexibility exercises.

Chondromalacia Patella -The athlete should use rest, ice and NSAIDs as well as a weight training program that focuses on strengthening the inner quads.

Illiotibial Band Friction (ITBF) Syndrome - The athlete should use rest, ice and gentle stretching of the IT band and gluteal muscles, and wearing proper training shoes.

Shin Splints -The athlete should use rest, ice, NSAIDs, a slow progression of training and avoid running of hard surfaces until the injury can heal.

Plantar Fasciitis - The athlete should use rest, ice, NSAIDs, and stretching/massaging of the plantar fascia area.  Specific exercises can also be used to strengthen the area.

Achilles Tendinitis -The athlete should use rest, ice, NSAIDs and frequent stretching of the calves and thighs.



Bailey Chiropractic Centre of High Point, North Carolina can assist athletes in overcoming the most common types of athletic injuries.  Please contact us today to see how we can help you heal from you injury faster and perform at your best.




Bailey Chiropractic Centre
2415 Penny Road, Suite 202
High Point, NC 27265
Phone: (336) 889-8584
Fax: (336) 889-7740

Chiropractor Hours

Monday - Thursday
7:00am - 11:00am
1:00 - 5:00pm

7am - 11:00am